Samvit-2.0-A Field Trip

All roads from The Choice School, Tripunithura led to The S.B College, Changanesserry on the 24th and 26th of September where the All India Science and Cultural exhibition, SAMVIT 2.0 was being hosted.

The first batch of senior school children from the painting department and The Green Team club visited the exhibition on the 24th of September. The group initially visited the Science and the commerce block .What caught the attention of the Choiceans was the display of models of equipment used for  communications 100 years ago and many other  antique pieces which were used for various purposes.

The painting, sculpture and photography sections were visited subsequently and each of the pavilions had something interesting to offer. There were class rooms with a display of paintings from the classic era as well as letters and costumes

The open stage area had the students of the literature department presenting Shakespearean plays. The live show was worth watching for its stage setting and   costumes. 

On September 26, a group of Senior students from the Science course visited the very same exhibition and enjoyed the display put up by the departments of Botany, Zoology, Chemistry and Physics.

The botany department had an in-depth presentation on the history of agriculture in India as well as a display of the diverse flora of our planet.

Ms.Jiya Jiku, Prefect – Green Team Club says,” My personal favourite was the zoology department. It started with the “Jurassic World” room which had its lights dimmed giving it a horror movie vibe as dinosaurs popped up from nowhere to scare us. They had a lab full of different test tube animals, some of which I didn’t even know existed. But right beside this display was a mini zoo with a plethora of adorable pets. I remember especially the bunny enclosure and this fluffy unique-looking grumpy cat that stared at me the entire time.

It was a wonderful experience and an education in itself.”


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