Creating Links

Two interesting sessions were held in the Middle School last month where two separate disciplines were woven around a common theme – one, where Music and Physics were integrated to teach the concept of musical acoustics; And the other, where art integrated with Mathematics to show how mathematical grids  are used to enlarge drawings without the help of digital means.

The music teachers Noble Sunny, Kalesh Chand and Sreehari Menon took the children through the process of understanding pitch, which governs melody and harmony, rhythm, dynamics, loudness and softness, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture with the help of musical instruments, while the art teachers Mr.Renjith lal and Mr. Sunny Paul displayed the process of magnification of a fish drawn by them with the help of a mathematical grid.

Integrating Fine Arts with \’difficult\’ subjects such as Physics and Math only allows the  learners to observe, think , imagine, relate, explore and express. The benefit of such experiential learning creates the basis for better learning in other subjects.

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